My Affair Ended Our Relationship - Can I Still Get My Ex Back?

If there's one thing that serves as a guarantee for a relationship's end, it's a partner that has cheated. At least, that is what many, if not most people believe. You cheat and it's over, right? Lovinga Not necessarily.


There have been cases where one partner is unfaithful, and after sincere apologies are made, the two of them decide to work it out. It may be that the cheated on still loves the cheater too much to throw the relationship away, and he/she may truly want to believe that the affair was a one-time mistake that will never happen again. Whatever the reason, an affair doesn't always mean saying goodbye to your sweetheart for good. If you've had an affair that resulted in a break up, and you are now hoping to get back with your ex, then that's the good news.


So, what's the bad news? Well, obviously, it won't be easy to convince your ex to give you another chance. Your ex now doubts your intentions. What that means is, anything you say and do to win back your ex's affection will be questioned. If you apologize, your ex will question whether or not you really mean it. If you promise to never do it again, your ex will no longer trust you to keep your word as he/she may have done easily in the past.


Trust is the foundation of any relationship. You earned trust over the course of the relationship through your actions, something that doesn't happen overnight. In the blink of an eye, you've lost all of that earned trust with one simple, but detrimental mistake. Unfortunately, restoring trust in your relationship now will be more difficult than it was to earn in the beginning. When a relationship begins, both partners are starting with a clean slate. There is no prior reason for one partner to doubt the other's intentions. On the other hand, your partner now has a very legitimate reason not to trust you.


Assuming you are in a least some contact with your ex, you can begin to restore trust in the following ways. Start with the smallest of things. Firstly, think of everything you say that you review are going to do as a promise and actually do it as "promised."


For example, let's just say your ex has moved out for now, and he/she left some of their belongings at your house. If he/she contacts you to ask that you drop them off at her office, for example, and you agree to do so, make sure you stick to your word. Do as you said you would. You "promised," remember? Continuing to live up to your word is the most important way to (slowly) rebuild the broken trust in your relationship. Fail to do as you've said you would for even the littlest of things, and you reassure your ex that, once again, you can't be trusted.


You should have already apologized for your unfaithful behavior, however, the next step in rebuilding trust is to apologize again, if necessary. Realize that it will take much more than one simple "I'm sorry" to prove to your ex that you truly are sorry for hurting them. Remember, he/she is going to doubt your word. It will be difficult for him/her to forgive and forget at this point, so be prepared to reassure your ex consistently that you mean it when you say that you have changed your ways.


Take it a step further than empty words and show him/her that you are making changes by working on improving yourself in any areas that could use it. Let's say, for example, that even before the affair your ex was less than thrilled by your inability to keep up with your daily chores (washing your own dishes, clothes, etc.). By changing any habits that he/she may have been unhappy living with, you're not only proving that you have stuck to your word about having changed your ways, but he/she is that important to you that you took it upon yourself to be a better overall person.


While you continue to regain the trust of your ex, remember to be patient. He/she will probably bring the affair to light on occasion, so you need to do your best not to become defensive when they do. Be understanding of his/her feelings instead. At the same time, however, do not let your ex use your affair as a guilt trip whenever he/she wants to get things their way, either. Once you've done your part in rebuilding the trust in your relationship, it will be on the shoulders of your ex to forgive and forget if the relationship ever has a chance for reconciliation and continued growth.

